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Tampilan new BlackBerry 10 mobile OS
BB 10. inilah Os terbaru dari Blackberry, seperti apakah penampakannya??
buat yang penasaran bisa langsng aja lihat foto di bawah ini:
buat yang penasaran bisa langsng aja lihat foto di bawah ini:
Bagaimana menurut anda, keren atau tidak??
Source: GsmArena
Lenovo A690 Penerus A60+
Lenovo A690, dari seri nya yang berawal huruf "A" ini adalah keluarga dari seri A atau mungkin bisa disebut upgrade an dari seri A60+ yang keluar lebih dulu.
Apa saja upgrade yang di bawa lenovo a690 ini, ini spesifikasinya:
Dual SIM, supports W+G / G+G
2G: GSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800/1900MHz
Dimensi 124 x 65 x 11 mm
Berat 134 gram
Layar TFT LCD 4.0 inci Capacitive Multi Touch Screen WVGA, 480 x 800, 16M Colors
CPU MTK6575 ARMv7 Cortex-A9 40nm 1.0GHz
GPU PowerVR SGX531 Ultra
OS Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread
Memori RAM 512MB, ROM 512MB, MicroSD Card
Kamera back 3.0MP/2048x1536
Support to shoot 480P with sound, max 30mins
Konektivitas Bluetooth with EDR & A2DP, Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, supports Wi-Fi hotspot, micro USB 2.0
SAR: 0.247W/kg
Warna Black
GPS: Built In GPS & A.GPS
Sensor: Gravity Sensor, Proximity Sensor, Light Sensor
Radio FM
Video: AVI, MP4, FLV, 3GP, MOV, ASF, MPEG, RMVB, H.263, H.264, etc
Audio: MP3, AAC, WAV, etc. / 3.5 mm Audio Jack
Batere 1500mAh, Standby time up to 3 days
Sebenanya yang di Upgrade tidak terlalu banyak hanyalah di sisi Ram yaitu dari 256 menjadi 512, lalu dari sisi layar mengusung lebar 4' dengan resolusi 480 x 800, 16M Colors . Mungkin hanya itu saja pembaruan nya, tapi lumayan dengan Ram 512 dan layar 4' pasti tambah mantab penerus A60+ ini.
Untuk harganya sendiri sudah tersedia di web nya Okeshop dihargai dengan Rp 1.149.000
Apa saja upgrade yang di bawa lenovo a690 ini, ini spesifikasinya:
Dual SIM, supports W+G / G+G
2G: GSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800/1900MHz
Dimensi 124 x 65 x 11 mm
Berat 134 gram
Layar TFT LCD 4.0 inci Capacitive Multi Touch Screen WVGA, 480 x 800, 16M Colors
CPU MTK6575 ARMv7 Cortex-A9 40nm 1.0GHz
GPU PowerVR SGX531 Ultra
OS Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread
Memori RAM 512MB, ROM 512MB, MicroSD Card
Kamera back 3.0MP/2048x1536
Support to shoot 480P with sound, max 30mins
Konektivitas Bluetooth with EDR & A2DP, Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, supports Wi-Fi hotspot, micro USB 2.0
SAR: 0.247W/kg
Warna Black
GPS: Built In GPS & A.GPS
Sensor: Gravity Sensor, Proximity Sensor, Light Sensor
Radio FM
Video: AVI, MP4, FLV, 3GP, MOV, ASF, MPEG, RMVB, H.263, H.264, etc
Audio: MP3, AAC, WAV, etc. / 3.5 mm Audio Jack
Batere 1500mAh, Standby time up to 3 days
Sebenanya yang di Upgrade tidak terlalu banyak hanyalah di sisi Ram yaitu dari 256 menjadi 512, lalu dari sisi layar mengusung lebar 4' dengan resolusi 480 x 800, 16M Colors . Mungkin hanya itu saja pembaruan nya, tapi lumayan dengan Ram 512 dan layar 4' pasti tambah mantab penerus A60+ ini.
Untuk harganya sendiri sudah tersedia di web nya Okeshop dihargai dengan Rp 1.149.000
Melegakan memori internal mengunakan aplikasi link to sd
Kemaren abis root, terus instal custom rom. sekarang buat yang suka instal banyak aplikasi dan game pasti mengeluhkan memori internal penuh, Untuk mengatasi itu coba instal aplikasi ini, Link to Sd nama aplikasi nya.
Fungsi aplikasi ini sendiri untuk membuat link aplikasi ke partisi kedua, jadi disini kita perlu partisi dulu sd card kita, oke langsung aja yang apa aja:- HH android tentunya,
- Sd card karena kita akan memindahkan aplikasi di partisi kedua di sd card
- Aplikasi Link to sd
- partisi dulu sd card anda, caranya masuk ke rovery, masuk ke advance. tara ada pilihan sd partions, pilih dan nanti ada pilihan ukuran partisi nya pilih sesuai yanga anda butuhkan, setelah itu ada pilihan ukuran buat swap, pilihjuga sesuai kebutuhan. kalau tidak membutuhkan pilih saja 0.
- sekarang udah di partisi, lanjut instal aplikasi link to sd nya, lalu buka nanti kluar pilihan second partition pilih EXT2
- pergi ke setting -> install location -> pilih internal
- masih di Setting, hilangkan ceklist pada Relink lib dan Relink dex- hilangkan juga ceklist Auto link
- kalau udah reboot HH anda, biasanya bakal rada lama nyalanya.
- klo udah buka root explorer buka folder "/data", copy folder "app", "dalvik-cache", "data" ke folder "/data/sdext2"
Jadi folder sdext2 juga ada di folder "/data" - buka folder "/data/sdext2" tap folder app yang td kita copy nnti mucul options scrol ke paling bawah pilih "link to this folder"
tekan tombol back 1x kemudian pilih create link klo ada peringatan pilih yes aja - kalau udah reboot lagi, kalau berhasil jadi kaya gini

penggunaan memori internalnya jadi dikit kan, karena udah di pindah ke partisi kedua.
Thanks buat agan Tyo @Official Lounge Lenovo A60+
Memasang Aplikasi Gps offline (Navitel) di HH android
Buat yang punya HH android dan suka jalan jalan aplikasi yang satu ini wajib ada di HH anda, namanya Navitel. Apa itu Navitel?? navitel adalah aplikasi Gps offline. jadi gak perlu koneksi internet dong??? Gak pelu kok, cuma memanfaatkan sinyal dari satelai yang di terima melalui Gps yang di tanam dalam HH android.
keuntungan menggunakan Navitel:
- gak perlu menggunakan internet (bisa hemat pulsa)
- maps indonesia di navitel sudah di dukung oleh navigasi.net (jadi di jamin update)
- apa lagi yaaa... mending coba aja sendiri :P
oke caranya, peratama download dulu:
1. Aplikasi Navitel buat android bisa di download di sini
2. Maps indonesia bisa di download langsung di sini
3. voice indonesia di sini
kalau semua sudah di download langsung aja
1. instal Navitel di HH android anda, lalu buka nanti bakalan muncul pertanyaan2 di ok ok aja, lalu di exit aja.
2. instal maps indonesia di komputer anda.
3. lalu copot kartu sd pasang ke card reader dan tancapkan di komputer anda.
4. cari file maps yang ke instal di kompi anda, kalau udah ketemu copy ke kartu sd di folder navitel content/maps/ (copy file format nm2)
5. extract file voice indonesia dan copy di sd card folder navitel content/voice/
6. pasang kembali sd card ke HH anda, dan buka aplikasi navitel, nanti bakalan ngeload maps nya. kalau sukses maps akan terbuka
Dan selamat HH anda sudah terpasang aplikasi navigasi offline.

Review Lenovo A60+ Android Murah Dual Sim

Ponsel android harga dibawah sejutaan? jawabannya adalah Lenovo A60+. Dari nama kodenya, ponsel ini merupakan versi upgrade dari Lenovo A60 yang lebih dulu beredar dipasaran. Lenovo A60+ mengisi kelas terbawah dari jajaran ponsel Lenovo saat ini. Dengan harga yang murah 800 ribuan, Bagaimana dengan spesifikasi yang di tawarkan.
2G: GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz SIM 1&SIM 2
3G: WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+: 900/2100MHz SIM 1
Dual SIM on
Layar TFT LCD kapasitif HVGA 3.5 (320x480 piksel) 160ppi
ROM 512MB (yang dapat digunakan 158.2MB) ; RAM 256MB
Kamera 2.0MP (2048x1536 piksel)
Android Gingerbread v2.3.6
Prosesor single-core MTK6575 ARMv7 Cortex-A9 40nm 1.0GHz; GPU PowerVR SGX531
Baterai Lithium ion 1500mAh
3G: WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+: 900/2100MHz SIM 1
Dual SIM on
Layar TFT LCD kapasitif HVGA 3.5 (320x480 piksel) 160ppi
ROM 512MB (yang dapat digunakan 158.2MB) ; RAM 256MB
Kamera 2.0MP (2048x1536 piksel)
Android Gingerbread v2.3.6
Prosesor single-core MTK6575 ARMv7 Cortex-A9 40nm 1.0GHz; GPU PowerVR SGX531
Baterai Lithium ion 1500mAh
Paket Penjualan :
Handset Lenovo A60+
Kepala charger
Kabel data
Kartu garansi
Kepala charger
Kabel data
Kartu garansi
Untuk desain dan body silahkan liat gambar:
A60+ hanya diberikan sebuah kamera beresolusi 2.0MP tapi gambar yang di hasilkan berukuran maximal 2048x1536 piksel (3.15MP) auto fokus tapi tanpa kehadiran LED flash. Tampilan antarmuka kamera mendapat modifikasi dari tampilan stok Gingerbread. Terdapat beberapa pengaturan seperti timer, zoom, color effect, smile shot, burst shot, face detection, dan lainnya. Juga dapat mengambil gambar mode panorama.
Untuk hasil kamera terlihat cukup baik namun cahaya terlalu terang saat di gunakan memotret di outdor.
Sedangkan di dalam ruangan tidak terlalu baik karena tidak tersedianya lampu flash.Untuk Perekaman video
Kamera Lenovo A60+ mampu melakukan perekaman video hingga resolusi FWVGA (864x480 piksel) dalam format .3GP. Terdapat juga fitur seperti color effect.
Lenovo A60+ berjalan di jaringan triband GSM (900 / 1800 / 1900) SIM 1 & SIM 2 dan dual band HSDPA (900/2100) untuk SIM 1. Konektivitas lokal terdapat WiFi 802. 11 b/g/n dengan kemampuan tethering, Bluetooth v2.0, A-GPS, microUSB v2.0.
Baterai dengan kapasitas 1500 mAh. Baterai ini bertahan seharian dengan kedua nomor aktif dan koneksi internet aktif, dengan catatan koneksi internet di jaringan Edge.
Kelebihan dan kekurangan:
Performa bagus dengan harga terjangkau
Dual sim on
Performa bagus dengan harga terjangkau
Dual sim on
Android masih Gingerbread
STE unveils NovaThor L8580 chipset with quad-core A9 CPU
If you're the benchmark-obsessed geek than CES 2013 might be turning out quite exciting for you.
After Samsung unveiled its latest and greatest Exynos 5 Octa chipset, NVIDIA announced Tegra 4 and Qualcomm lifted the curtain of its newest Krait-powered Snapdragon 600 and 800 series SoCs, it's now ST-Ericsson's turn to stand in the spotlight. The company just announced its latest NovaThor chipset - the L8580.
It comes with a low-power eQuad processor with four Cortext-A9 cores, clocked at up to 2.5 GHz, the PowerVR SGS544 GPU and the ability to go low-power and run at 0.6V.
The NovaThor L8580 can deal with 1080p video and support display resolutions of up to 1920 x 1200 pixels. 20MP primary cameras and 5 MP secondary ones are allowed too and there's built-in LTE HSPA+, TD-SCDMA and EDGE radios. 3D reproduction and capture is also on board if that's your thing.
The ST-Ericsson L8580 chipset should allow the creation of affordable mid-range devices with excellent processing power and good battery life. The top shelf smartphones and tablets will move on to Cortex-A15 architecture this year, but there's plenty of ground below them for the NovaThor L8580 to cover.
Source: GsmArena
After Samsung unveiled its latest and greatest Exynos 5 Octa chipset, NVIDIA announced Tegra 4 and Qualcomm lifted the curtain of its newest Krait-powered Snapdragon 600 and 800 series SoCs, it's now ST-Ericsson's turn to stand in the spotlight. The company just announced its latest NovaThor chipset - the L8580.
It comes with a low-power eQuad processor with four Cortext-A9 cores, clocked at up to 2.5 GHz, the PowerVR SGS544 GPU and the ability to go low-power and run at 0.6V.
The NovaThor L8580 can deal with 1080p video and support display resolutions of up to 1920 x 1200 pixels. 20MP primary cameras and 5 MP secondary ones are allowed too and there's built-in LTE HSPA+, TD-SCDMA and EDGE radios. 3D reproduction and capture is also on board if that's your thing.
The ST-Ericsson L8580 chipset should allow the creation of affordable mid-range devices with excellent processing power and good battery life. The top shelf smartphones and tablets will move on to Cortex-A15 architecture this year, but there's plenty of ground below them for the NovaThor L8580 to cover.
Source: GsmArena
ZTE to bring a Firefox OS smartphone to Europe this year
ZTE and Mozilla are on track to reveal a collaboration effort that would be debuting in Brazil and later come to Europe. The two companies are working to bring the first Firefox OS-powered smartphone and are in talks with an unknown European carrier.
The information comes directly from Cheng Lixin, Chief Executive Officer of ZTE USA. He also shared that ZTE could unveil a Firefox OS smartphone in the US, depending on the demand and interest. “If that is ready and if consumer studies support that data, then we may launch one in U.S. also this year.”, he said.
Jay Sullivan, Vice President of products at Mozilla, shared that the software company is working with China-based manufacturer TCL (which owns the Alcatel One Touch brand), ZTE and Qualcomm on making devices with Firefox OS. Chairman of TCL, Tomson Li Dongsheng confirmed that the company is in business with Mozilla. These reports align with what we previously heard.
Firefox OS will first launch entry-level smartphones with the intent on tackling the dominance of Android in that market. We've already seen promising early shots of the OS and its app Marketplace. We even managed to do a hands-on, complete with video back at MWC 2012, but we are still curious to see how the actual Firefox OS smartphones turn out.
Source: GsmArena
Lenovo brings four dual-SIM IdeaPhone droids to CES
The K900 phablet
might be hogging the spotlight, but Lenovo has four more Android
handsets to show at CES. Details are a bit scarce, but they are all
dual-SIM devices and range from an entry-level Gingerbread droid to a 5"
Jelly Bean upper mid-ranger.
That upper mid-ranger would be the Lenovo IdeaPhone S890 - it has a 5" qHD (540 x 960) screen with 220ppi pixel density and runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. It packs an 8MP camera with flash inside a 9.3mm thick body that weighs 176g.
The IdeaPhone S720 has a smaller 4.5" IPS LCD screen of qHD resolution (245ppi). The phone runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, powered by a dual-core MTK processor. There's an 8MP camera on the back and a 1MP snapper at the front. The S720 has a 2000mAh battery and is 9.9mm thick
The final two phones are from the entry-level A series - the A800 and A690. The Lenovo IdeaPhone A800 has a 4.5" FWVGA screen (480 x 854, 218ppi) and a 1.2GHz dual-core processor. It runs Android 4.0 ICS and has a 2000mAh battery.
The IdeaPhone A690 sticks to Android 2.3 Gingerbread and a single-core 1GHz processor. Its screen is a 4" WVGA unit.
The five Lenovo IdeaPhone handsets are launching this month in China
and will be expanding to other regions soon. Lenovo is mum on when that
will be and there's no pricing info yet.
Source: GsmArena
That upper mid-ranger would be the Lenovo IdeaPhone S890 - it has a 5" qHD (540 x 960) screen with 220ppi pixel density and runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. It packs an 8MP camera with flash inside a 9.3mm thick body that weighs 176g.
The IdeaPhone S720 has a smaller 4.5" IPS LCD screen of qHD resolution (245ppi). The phone runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, powered by a dual-core MTK processor. There's an 8MP camera on the back and a 1MP snapper at the front. The S720 has a 2000mAh battery and is 9.9mm thick

The final two phones are from the entry-level A series - the A800 and A690. The Lenovo IdeaPhone A800 has a 4.5" FWVGA screen (480 x 854, 218ppi) and a 1.2GHz dual-core processor. It runs Android 4.0 ICS and has a 2000mAh battery.
The IdeaPhone A690 sticks to Android 2.3 Gingerbread and a single-core 1GHz processor. Its screen is a 4" WVGA unit.
Source: GsmArena
Instal Custom Rom Lenovo A60+
Abis Root sekarang kita pasang Custom Rom
caranya gampang kok pertama download dulu Custom Rom yang mau dipasang misal MASKID Rev.4
kalau udah di download langsung aja:
caranya gampang kok pertama download dulu Custom Rom yang mau dipasang misal MASKID Rev.4
kalau udah di download langsung aja:
- Copy file Custom Rom tadi ke Sd card.
- Matikan HH lalu hidupkan kembali, tapi pas HH getar pencet dan tahan tombol volume + (masuk ke Recovery)
- gunakan tombol volume + untuk up, dan - untuk down, dan tombol power untuk memilih.
- lalu pilih
- Wipe data/reset
wipe cache
install from sdcard
pilih file yg td didownload
complete instalation
wipe data/reset dan wipe cache - Reboot Recovery
Setelah itu HH akan nyala dan selamat HH anda sudah terpasang Custom rom.
[Custom Rom lenovo A60+] MASKID rev
Setelah Rooting ada yang kurang kalau gak pake custom Rom, langsung aja ini rom buat lenovo a60+.
nama custom rom nya Maskid rev 4 Credits To -> kuro_kid, Fauntelroy, Alpamild
penampakannya bisa dilihat:
Gimana mantab bukan...
langsung aja kalau mau download
Untuk pemasangan Custom rom nya langsung aja kesini
Thanks buat agan Ikuru
Source: official-lounge--lenovo-a60+
nama custom rom nya Maskid rev 4 Credits To -> kuro_kid, Fauntelroy, Alpamild
- Based on S317
- Support init.d
- Add transparent background in "SIM Background Color"
- Added Playstore, Busybox
- Already rooted
- Change loading icon, window animation, font, battery icon
- Remove all unnecessary application for better internal memori and ram space
- tweak for Faster 2G/3G/WiFi Settings, Google DNS, Better photo and video quality, better touch responsive & scrolling movement, render 2D with GPU, Dalvik VM! Tweaks, Call Tweak, Performance Tweak, Disable Debug icon, better memory management, battery saving tweak, enable 16bit Transparency
penampakannya bisa dilihat:
Gimana mantab bukan...
langsung aja kalau mau download
Untuk pemasangan Custom rom nya langsung aja kesini
Thanks buat agan Ikuru
Source: official-lounge--lenovo-a60+
[Tutor] Root Lenovo a60+
Sebelum nya siapin dulu:
1. Stock Rom A60+_ROW_S310.rar
2. Flashtool beserta drivernya
3. download juga ini
Kalau udah langsung aja kita mulai:
1. Extract bahan nomer 3, maka akan di dapat 4 file:
MT6575_Android_scatter.txt dan firmware.info --> File untuk repartisi memori
recovery.img --> Untuk instal CWM nya
Admire-2.3.6-Root.zip --> Untuk rootny lewat CWM setelah flashing
2. Extrack juga stock ROM A60+_ROW_S310.rar yang sudah di download tadi
3. Copy file recovery.img, MT6575_Android_scatter.txt,dan firmware.info ke hasil extractan stock ROM tadi, bila ada peringatan pilih overwrite all (bagi yg tidak ingin memartisi internal memory ny cukup copy dan overwrite recovery.img nya saja) dan bila di hasil extractan ROM tadi ada file checksum.ini di hapus saja. Kemudian copy juga file Admire-2.3.6-Root.zip ke micro sd (tidak usah di masukkan ke folder)
4. Buka flashtool kemudian klik Scatter-loading. Apabila sukses loadnya maka akan muncul list file di kotak yang bawah dan pastikan sudah tercentang semua
5. Dalam keadaan HH off tekan tombol volume up trus hubungkan lewat USB ke komputer kemudian klik Firmware->Upgrade (kalo yg driverny belum terinstal tunggu sampai selesai install drivernya baru tekan tombol Firmware->Upgrade)
6. Sambil terus menahan tombol volume up tunggu sampai proses flashing selesai dan sukses yang ditandai dengan munculnya lingkaran berwarna hijau
7. Sampai tahap ini bila semua proses berjalan lancar berarti agan dah berhasil merepartisi memory internal agan n install CWM recovery (jika yg di copy pada step ke 3 cuma recovery.img saja berarti cuma install CWM recovery aja sedangkan partisiny standard bawaan rom) dan untuk mengeceknya nyalakan HH agan ikuti instruksi yg muncul d HH seperti biasa trus bisa d cek di setting->storage, di memori internal pasti ada perubahan
8.Tahap selanjutnya yaitu ROOTING HH agan. Untuk itu matikan kembali HH agan. Setelah itu nyalakan kembali untuk masuk recovery mode, caranya tekan tombol power begitu getar tahan volume up.
9. Setelah masuk ke CWM recovery pilih install zip from sd card (tombol volume untuk up n down sedangkan tombol power untuk pilih). Setelah itu choose zip from sd card. Kemudian pilih Admire-2.3.6-Root.zip. Kemudian pilih Yes-Install Admire-2.3.6-Root.zip. Setelah proses selesai pilih reboot system now.
10. Bila semua proses di atas berjalan dengan sukses berarti HH agan sudah berhasil di ROOT dengan tanda munculny icon Superuser di HH (terinstal aplikasi Super user)
Selamat HH anda sudah sukses di rooting
Thanks buat agan 70120
source: Official-lounge--lenovo-a60+
Himax Pure Ponsel mantab harga 1,5 jutaan
Buka kaskus liat iklan ada ponsel dualcore. layar ips, udah ics harga 1,5. jadi penasaran langsung cari info ni ponsel, di iklan nya sih ada website nya www.himax-indonesia.com langsung enter gak pake entar.
spek nya sih kurang lebih kaya gini menurut web nya :

spek nya sih kurang lebih kaya gini menurut web nya :

mantab bukan spek nya, ponsel ini sendiri sudah dapat dipesan secara pre-order melalui situs resmi mereka yakni di www.himax-indonesia.com
cape juga ngepost pagi pagi, mata juga dah tinggal 5watt, sekian saja yakk.
Source: Himax indonesia
More Xperia Z (C660X Yuga) pictures surface
A few more Sony Xperia Z (C660X Yuga) pictures have emerged and look like they have been taken from a promotional video for the handset. It confirms a number of features of the handset including a water resistant chassis, HDR on videos and photos, a “Full HD Reality display”, 13MP Exmor RS camera, OptiContrast panel and a “Skeleton frame structure”.
One of the pictures on the back surprised us by what looks like a lack of flash. However, we believe this relates to a mirror finish adopted on the back of the phone, which conceals the flash. We know a flash exists as we have seen it in earlier leaks. Overall, the Xperia Z looks like a very sleek and elegant handset and we can’t wait to hear more next week.
Source: XperiaBlog
One of the pictures on the back surprised us by what looks like a lack of flash. However, we believe this relates to a mirror finish adopted on the back of the phone, which conceals the flash. We know a flash exists as we have seen it in earlier leaks. Overall, the Xperia Z looks like a very sleek and elegant handset and we can’t wait to hear more next week.
Source: XperiaBlog
The upcoming BlackBerry Z10 gets its internals revealed
RIM's upcoming BlackBerry Z10 flagship smartphone has leaked yet again. This time, though, it's not just posing for the camera, but also having its internals exposed, revealing some interesting details.
For starters, BusinessInsiders has acquired two photos of the BlackBerry Z10 being compared to the iPhone 4S. According to their source, the build quality is really solid with the back cover sporting a nice rubbery grip.
Additionally, the 4.3" screen looks really good. The person familiar with the matter also shares that the newly redesigned AppWorld looks a lot like Google's Play Store.
The leaks continue with smartphone parts company ETrade Supply, who also got hold of some components of the BlackBerry Z10 and in their usual fashion decided to showcase them.
Their investigation reveals a microSD card slot and an HDMI port. Rather peculiarly, the SIM card slot's position varies on the different prototypes, suggesting they are from different stages of the smartphone's design cycle. The smartphone will reportedly be about 10mm thick, which isn't too bad, but far from record-breaking either
RIM will announce the BlackBerry Z10 alongside its redesigned BB10 OS on January 30 at a special event, so stay tuned.
Source: GsmArena
For starters, BusinessInsiders has acquired two photos of the BlackBerry Z10 being compared to the iPhone 4S. According to their source, the build quality is really solid with the back cover sporting a nice rubbery grip.
Additionally, the 4.3" screen looks really good. The person familiar with the matter also shares that the newly redesigned AppWorld looks a lot like Google's Play Store.
The leaks continue with smartphone parts company ETrade Supply, who also got hold of some components of the BlackBerry Z10 and in their usual fashion decided to showcase them.
Their investigation reveals a microSD card slot and an HDMI port. Rather peculiarly, the SIM card slot's position varies on the different prototypes, suggesting they are from different stages of the smartphone's design cycle. The smartphone will reportedly be about 10mm thick, which isn't too bad, but far from record-breaking either
RIM will announce the BlackBerry Z10 alongside its redesigned BB10 OS on January 30 at a special event, so stay tuned.
Source: GsmArena